I finally drove this last week to work. My wife has been taking me places instead but I figured I could drive this past week. Tuesday I didn't drive and got a ride home from a co-worker that lives nearby. I drove myself Wednesday and Thursday and had a work offsite that I carpooled to instead of driving. The offsite was at Jordanelle Reservoir and I didn't want to drive it. The same co-worker helped me by driving.
Thursday I had pain in my leg that is probably just old clot acting up or new clot. If it's new clot I want to know why my current medicine didn't prevent it. I called Dr. Woller to see what he thought about it. I exercised as well to help keep the blood flowing. I'm also still wearing the compression sock on my right leg.
I have had headaches over the past few days. It seems like my body is better in the morning and as I try to stay active. I did take a nap yesterday when I got home from the offsite. I will keep trying to remember to publish daily. I don't find that I remember or want to blog when I get home and don't feel well.